E About me

  1. Antonio de Nebrija University, https://ravinesromy.org/↩︎

  2. From here.↩︎

  3. From MoreSteam Toolbox↩︎

  4. Stephanie Glen. “Experimental Design” From Statistics How To ↩︎

  5. Adapted from Wily Vandenbrande: Design of Experiments For Dummies↩︎

  6. From Stat Trek. Teach yourself statistics↩︎

  7. From Real-Statistics↩︎

  8. From here↩︎

  9. Adapted from here↩︎

  10. a concept we will return to later↩︎

  11. Adapted from here↩︎

  12. From here↩︎

  13. From here↩︎